
Boulder Artist Tom Roderick
Photo by Rachel Rae Roderick Wix

In the heart of Boulder, Colorado, Tom and Donna Roderick embarked on a journey that would define their lives and leave an indelible mark on the art world. Tom possessed a rare gift – the ability to capture the soul of his subjects through his masterful portrait paintings. His brushstrokes breathed life into every canvas, and his work resonated deeply with those who had the privilege of viewing it. Donna, his devoted wife, was not just his partner in life but also his anchor in the business world. She had an uncanny knack for understanding the pulse of the market and connecting Tom’s art with the right audience.

The Rodericks’ story began in at Studio 1810 where Tom spent countless hours honing his craft. Donna, always by his side, recognized the immense potential of his work and saw the opportunity to share it with the world. With unwavering support and a determination to succeed, they set out to build a dream in the art business. Tom’s canvases became a window into the souls of his subjects – a mesmerizing dance of light and emotion that left spectators in awe.

Donna’s keen understanding of marketing and business strategies was the perfect complement to Tom’s artistic prowess. She tirelessly sought out opportunities, connected with gallery owners, and built a network of patrons who appreciated and valued Tom’s work. Under her guidance, Tom’s art found its way into galleries, coffee shops, and private collections across the globe.

The couple’s success was not without its challenges. Rejections, financial setbacks, and moments of self-doubt tested their resolve. But their unbreakable bond and shared belief in Tom’s talent saw them through even the darkest times. As their reputation grew, so did their circle of supporters who believed in their vision.

Then, tragedy struck. May of 2020, Tom’s vibrant spirit was taken from the world far too soon. Donna was left not only with the ache of losing her soulmate but also with the weight of continuing their shared dream. Yet, she knew that Tom’s legacy had to live on. With a heavy heart and a fire in her soul, she made a promise to keep his passion alive.

Drawing from the strength of their journey together, Donna took the reins of their art business. She remembered every lesson Tom had taught her – the importance of staying true to one’s vision, the power of authenticity, and the magic of connecting with people through art. Donna was not just a sales director and marketeer; she was the guardian of Tom’s artistic legacy.

In the face of grief, Donna discovered her own strength and resilience. She channeled her pain into a relentless pursuit of opportunities for Tom’s art. His paintings continue to touch the hearts of those who beheld them. Donna knew that Tom’s spirit lived on through his art, and she was determined to ensure that the world never forgot his name.

Donna’s dedication and Tom’s talent remain intertwined, an unbreakable bond that transcends time and space. As patrons and visitors admire Tom’s portraits, they can sense the depth of emotion and connection that he once poured into each brushstroke.

Donna Roderick, the keeper of the flame, continues to honor Tom’s memory by nurturing the legacy they created. She finds solace in knowing that Tom’s art continues to evoke emotions, spark conversations, and inspire those who gaze upon it. And as she stands amidst the studio walls adorned with Tom’s masterpieces, she can almost hear his whisper in the wind, urging her to never stop believing in the power of art and the dreams they built together.

Tom Roderick – 

Tom Roderick’s paintings are realistic and charming. Whether it’s the Three Stooges on the beach with Marilyn Monroe, the “Dude” gracefully soaring above the earth or a Buddha raising his arms with glee, Tom’s interpretations grab you and force you to smile! It’s no wonder there is an almost cult-like Roderick following around the globe.


The Early Years

A multi-talented contemporary artist who lives and works in Boulder, Colorado, Tom is self-taught and began painting purely as a hobby. It all started when his daughter was a toddler and his wife Donna was attempting to create a cardboard box playhouse for her. Tom stepped in, started decorating the exterior and a sleeping artist awoke. From this moment forward his path to artistic discovery led him to many late night painting sessions which began evolving into a passionate pursuit of creativity. His emergence as a painter in acrylics, water color and oil media progressed to commissioned work for friends and family and then interior designers.

The Discovery

So how has Tom been discovered? If you step into the Roderick home studio you will be transformed. Jazz resonates loudly throughout every room and the walls are vibrantly covered in original “Roderick.” Donna Roderick greets you at the door with a cup of tea and the warmth of a long lost friend. Donna and Tom seem to be joined at the hip. He paints and she shares his passion with the world. Donna’s gift is in media marketing and she is committed to her cause. She is lively and witty as she comically proclaims: “Art is work. Selling it is an art!’ The synchronicity of this innovative duo has catapulted Tom so much so that his work is now featured on numerous international art gallery sites and can be ordered as prints of any size, t-shirts, mobile phone covers, mugs and even stickers. The demand for his art is endless.

The Artist

As is the case of many extremely creative people, in addition to being a prolific painter, Tom is a talented musician. He is also extremely humble and in a rare conversation if you can get him to talk about himself he will tell you that “As in music, almost every individual has a unique interpretation of what they find appealing in a work of art. Whether it is an example of impressionism, contemporary realism, abstract or minimalism, art can and should be a personal experience.” For more information about purchasing original artwork, contact Donna Roderick.

John Tomlinson Roderick
MARCH 19, 1954 – MAY 24, 2020


John Tomlinson Roderick
MARCH 19, 1954 – MAY 24, 2020